Happy New Year

Well, pals, it’s official. It’s 2016.


We made it through another year.

Last night we stayed up and toasted at midnight. Enjoyed the neighbours’ fireworks. Just to make sure that 2015 was definitely OVER.


Today was a rest day so I took Ax for a lovely long walk while I considered what this year’s running resolutions ought to be.

Remember last year? Run stronger. Run smarter. Run farther.

Great year. I reached those goals. I persevered with the wiggling around on the floor (read that as pushups and planks and etc). I took rest days when I needed recovery time. And I ran farther than I ever have in my life. (I reached 1241 miles in 2015 – including my 50k.)

So what’s up for this year?

I want to run another 50k. I think I can do better. Do more trail running. Those will be fun goals.

The hard one? I’m going to try to get a little faster. I don’t want to pick a number, but I’ve spent much of this year focusing on LSD and think it’s time to push myself just a bit.


Track workout suggestions anyone? Thanks.

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